Using Traceability Coverage Matrix in TopTeam Web


Traceability Coverage Matrix in TopTeam Web, helps you visualize end-to-end traceability coverage of records in a spreadsheet-like view. You can view multiple levels of traceability and configure what record types and fields should display in the matrix.

For example, you can query traceability links starting from Business Requirements > Traces Into > User Stories > Traces Into > Functional Requirements > Traces Into > Test Cases.

Who should read this?

  • TopTeam Users
Action Help link
Video tutorial Watch the following video to help you get started with Traceability Coverage Matrix.

Video – Getting Started with Traceability Coverage Matrix.

Generating Traceability Coverage Matrix For generating Traceability Coverage Matrix, you need to define a new query or use an existing query.

For more information, refer to the article Generating Traceability Coverage Matrix in TopTeam Web.

Exporting Traceability Coverage Matrix to Excel Traceability Coverage Matrix Export feature is available from the Define Query pop-up window and toolbar. You can view all the requirements and related fields in the export.

For more information, refer to the article Exporting Traceability Coverage Matrix to Excel.

Sharing Traceability Coverage Matrix You can easily share permalink of a generated Traceability Coverage Matrix with your team members or other stakeholders.

For more information, refer to the article Sharing Traceability Coverage Matrix with Stakeholders.

Adding, editing and deleting traceability using Traceability Coverage Matrix You can perform actions such as add, edit and delete trace links in Traceability Coverage Matrix.

For more information, refer to the article How to add, edit and delete trace links using Traceability Coverage Matrix in TopTeam Web.

Other Actions


Print feature is available for printing Traceability Coverage Matrix and before printing you can customize print options.

For more information, refer to the article Printing Traceability Coverage Matrix.

Display Options

You can customize display settings of Traceability Coverage Matrix.

For more information, refer to the article Configuring display options for Traceability Coverage Matrix.

Revised: July 12th, 2019