How to Baseline Requirements


A Requirements Document Baseline is a snapshot of the versions of Requirements records in that document at a given point in time.
A Requirements Document Baseline can be used to take a snapshot of Requirements at important milestones such as Customer acceptance, Customer freeze, end of elicitation phase, etc.

This article describes the procedure to Baseline Requirements.

Who should read this?

  • TopTeam Users

Step 1. Open the Requirements Document Baselines editor


You can access the Requirements Document Baselines editor from Requirements tab > Baselines > Requirements Baselines.

Step 2. The Create Baseline Wizard opens


Step 3. Select a Project and Requirements Document for which you want to create the Baseline


Step 4. Enter Name and Description (optional) of Baseline


Step 5. Specify the type of Baseline that you want to create


Complete Baseline:
Choose Complete Baseline to include all versioned records in the Baseline.

Selective Baseline:
Choose Selective Baseline to include versioned records of the selected Record Type in the Baseline.

Step 6. Select the Record Types to be include in the Baseline


Step 7. Specify whether or not you want to change the State of the records added to the Baseline


Do not change State:
Choose this option if you do not want to change the State of the records added to the Baseline.

Change State to:
Choose this option if you want to change the State of the records added to the Baseline.

Step 8. Specify whether or not you want to Lock the records that are added to the Baseline


Step 9. View Action Summary and click Create


Step 10. Finish the process


The new Requirement Baseline is created


Revised: August 27th, 2016