Tag: Import

How to import Users from LDAP Server into TopTeam

Overview This article describes the procedure for importing User Accounts from LDAP server into TopTeam. This step-by-step guide provides the facility to import all Groups and Users into TopTeam …

How to export and import TopTeam Projects

Overview You can export and import Projects in TopTeam. While exporting a TopTeam Project, various artifacts such as Repository Objects, Tracking Items, Comments, Attachments and Trace Links are exported. …

Using Records Import/Synchronization Wizard

What is Records Import/Synchronization Wizard? Records Import/Synchronization Wizard guides you through the steps necessary to import Repository Objects from a file into TopTeam repository. This wizard can import a …

How do I import Requirements from my Word Document

Overview Using the Import Requirements from Word Wizard, you will be able to import your legacy Requirements Documents from Microsoft Word documents (*.docx, *.doc, *.rtf) into TopTeam. This wizard …

How do I import Requirements from Excel

Overview TopTeam Desktop App enables you to import tabular data into the repository. You can import from the following file formats: Microsoft Excel (*.xls, *.xlsx) Comma separated values (*.csv) …

Import Use Cases from Word document

Overview TopTeam Desktop App provides a powerful import wizard for importing existing Use Cases from documents and files. Import Use Cases from Document helps you import existing Use Cases …