Using Record Highlighting Schemes Wizard

What is Record Highlighting Schemes Wizard?

Record Highlighting Schemes Wizard helps you customize fonts, text and background colors of a record in List or Tree editors based on certain conditions.

You can access this wizard from any List/Tree editor > Tools > Record Highlighting Scheme… > New… Refer to the images below. To open list and tree editors, refer to the article Opening List and Tree Editors in TopTeam.


Record Highlighting Schemes Wizard


When to use it?

Use Record Highlighting Schemes Wizard when you:
•    Want to apply different fonts, text or background colors to records based on the values in certain fields. For example, records with a Priority of “Must Have” are shown in red, records with a Priority of “Could Have” are shown in green, etc.
•    Want the artifacts that meet a filter criteria to stand out as compared to other artifacts, so that they can be spotted quickly.

Getting Started

You can access online help for Record Highlighting Schemes Wizard from the link below:

Video – Getting Started with Record Highlighting Scheme
