How to link Requirements using Traceability


Traceability is the technique of documenting derivations or dependency relationships between elements of a system. Traceability is defined by establishing “Trace Links” between system elements.

TopTeam considers Trace In/Traces From, Used In/Uses and Impacts/Dependent on as “sub-types” of Trace relationships and uses them automatically in some instances. Trace relationships are automatically created for both forward and reverse searching. When you add a Traceability Link, both relationships are created.

TopTeam’s Traceability feature allows Business Analysts to perform gap analysis to determine if there are any requirements that are not linked to a higher level requirement (scope management) or if any high level requirement has not been orphaned (missed).

Creating Traceability Links

There are different methods by which Traceability can be created in TopTeam. These are all variations of the following menu options:

  1. Add Trace Link – allows you to add directional links between existing records in TopTeam.
  2. Create Traced Requirement – used to create a new Requirements record, with a “Traces From” link with the selected record.
  3. Create Traced Object – used to create a new Repository Object, with a “Traces From” link with the selected record.

Option 1. Linking Requirements from Requirements Tree, Document View or List

Option 2. Using the Traceability tab within an editor

Within a record’s editor, there is a Traceability tab where Traceability can be viewed and new Traces created. Additionally, existing links can be edited, deleted, made suspect, cleared of suspicion and link notes editing, etc.

Refer to this article on Traceability tab in Requirements editor.

Option 3. Viewing Traceability overview from Requirements Tree and Document View

You can quickly see how many records are Traced Into and Out of each requirement by looking at the arrows which are found in Requirements Tree, Document View and List.


Revised: August 26th, 2015