Category: Use Case Modeling

Using Create Use Case Diagram Wizard

What is Create Use Case Diagram Wizard? Create Use Case Diagram Wizard guides you through simple steps to automatically generate a Use Case Diagram. Select Use Cases and Actors …

Using Use Case Diagram Editor

What is the Use Case Diagram editor? The Use Case Diagram editor can be used to graphically define Use Case analysis of a system. It defines the relationships between …

Using Use Case Scenario Editor

What is the Use Case Scenario editor? The Use Case Scenario editor represents different scenarios in a Use Case. A scenario is a pairing of the Main Flow with …

Using Generate Scenarios from Use Case Wizard

What is Generate Scenarios Wizard? Generate Scenarios Wizard guides you through simple steps for generating scenarios from a Use Case. It shows proposed list of scenarios and you can …

Using Use Case Editor

What is the Use Case editor? The Use Case editor helps you create or edit all fields and related information for a single record of a Use Case record …

Using Embedded Links Update Wizard

What is Embedded Links Update Wizard? Embedded Links Update Wizard allows you to update link text, highlight Terms and Actors, as well as update Use Case terminologies. You can …

Using Compare Versions Viewer

What is the Compare Versions viewer? When you use the Compare Versions viewer, you see the differences between two versions of a record. You can select to display all …